Web Student Life - Archive
Only releases with enhancements or resolved issues for this module have content below.
Resolved Issues
Now you can create and define multiple meal plans to customize options for your school. Access the Manage Meal Plans page from the Residence Life Administration hub, under the Hub options drop-down. Once you have created the meal plan, it’s available to assign to residents on the session Resident Roster.

Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
206491 | When adding students to a housing applicant group, the default was to set Available As Roommate to false. |
206576 | Checking the Don't show me this warning again box in pop-ups on the Residence Spaces page did not prevent the warning from appearing again. |
207504 | The Housing Application block, the Housing Application Process block, and the Room Assignment tab loaded slowly. |
209149 | When setting up an email to students in the Housing Process Definition or Lottery tabs, you could not enter a URL after clicking the Create Link button. |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
197753 | If a student in a session had a room assignment and they were set to "Don't copy this student" and a Copy Session was performed, their room assignment was incorrectly copied to the new session. |
203114 | In the Manage Facilities Update feature, trying to remove an inactive space from the session generated an incorrect error. |
204521 | The list of health codes on the Student Health Profile screen did not match what was on the Student Life/Health Profile tab. |
204650 | On the Health Group Summary page, roster counts in the Overview block were incorrect. |
205497 | In some situations a student was not being added to a room with their roommate group. |
208525 | If a housing process feature was turned on and saved, then later turned off, some fields associated with that feature did not reset. |

Now you can create a new session based on an existing one, and choose which details are carried over to the new session. Details that can be copied over include:
Billing Configuration
Student Information:
Meal plans, activities
Residence Spaces:
Bedroom assignments, housing process setup, and assignment and duty zones.
Residence Life Staff
For more information on copying sessions, see the J1 Web help topic on this subject.
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
191200 | Clicking the "Report incident" drop-down option from the View my incident reports page produced an error. |
195020 | When viewing a health group roster, only one required and one met code would appear in the list even when there was more than one. |
196049 | When user tried to update the staff assignment for an RD, an error occurred. |

Thanks to feedback from users, we have made some significant improvements to the housing process. We heard you! You wanted overlapping sessions and more flexibility to choose which features you use in your housing, and we've delivered. We think you'll like the enhancements we've made.
Residence Life sessions can now overlap, which should greatly simplify your planning! To ensure that residence spaces aren't double-booked, residence spaces that are already active in a session will default to inactive in the new session.
Perhaps you want to use the roommate request and room selection features, but not the housing application. No problem! Now the three main housing process features are available to use a la carte. Depending on the amount of manual control you want, you can choose which features to use. And if you liked the fully automated process we had before, you can still choose to have things like lottery numbers and time slots auto-publish to students. Best of all, we've removed the time restrictions that were previously on each of the features. Now features can overlap, even for the whole session.

You can reach this page by accessing an applicant group summary page, then click the applicant group options drop-down and select Manage housing application and assignment. This page has four tabs which give detailed information and easy access to all aspects of the housing process for this applicant group.
Housing Process Definition - Use this tab to enter information from the housing application, roommate request, and room selection features that you set up in your Campus Portal.
Lottery Number Assignment - Use this tab to manually submit applications for students, or to view/change lottery numbers.
Time Slot Assignment - Use this tab to set up and assign the time slots for each student to select a room.
Room Assignment - Use this tab to review or change room assignments for students. You can also email students and edit their meal plan from this tab.
You can reach this page from the Session options drop-down menu on the session summary page. This page allows you to work with all of the residents in the session (rather than just by applicant group).
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
154006 | Students may have been able to see their housing lottery number before lottery numbers were published. |
170217 | Clicking an informational icon in the Roommate Request portlet gave a 404 error instead of providing the user with the correct help information. |
171084 | When looking at the card view on the Manage Staff Roster page, filtering by Permission with the ‘None’ option resulted in the roster returning no results. |
178627 | On the Manage Staff Roster page, when trying to update the Staff Assignment for an RA while in card view, the pop up window that appears is the window used for tan RD role. |
178644 | The Update roommate assignments pop up that is supposed to open when a user clicked the Manage Roommate assignments link in the Housing Application Process block wouldn’t completely open when a room had restrictions set. |
178675 | When looking at the card view of the Manage Staff Roster page, trying to update staff assignments for an RA was resulting in an error. |
179145 | On the Residence Spaces window, when a user attempted to edit room restrictions for all rooms in a suite, the process would sometimes fail to update the restrictions and give the user an error message. |
181853 | The STUD_LIFE_CHGS database view does not properly retrieve the room type for housing data. |
189688 | In J1 Web, Session Status was always displayed as Draft. Since there are no other Session Status options at this time, the status was removed. |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
169010 | Attempting to email more than 2,100 students from the Health Group Roster resulted in an error. This has been resolved to allow any number of emails at once. |
169033 | Attempting to delete a session would fail if there were any maintenance requests for a space in the session. |
169568 | Advisors with health permissions were able to access advising information for students who they should not have been able to. This has been fixed. |
171013 | When trying to publish timeslots for a housing group, the default email text was not displayed correctly. |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
157447 | Health codes marked as met on the Student Health Profile window did not appear as met on the Student Life Profile window, Health Profile tab. This has been resolved. |
168981 | The link to View our HIPAA policy in the Residence Life Administration Hub Overview block did not work. This has been fixed. |

You now have the ability to create Residence Life Suites that include bedrooms and non-bedroom spaces, such as kitchens, restrooms, and living areas. This new functionality allows you to customize the Residence Life experience to match your school.
Suites are made up of two or more spaces. Before creating a suite, make sure that all of the spaces in the suite have been added to the J1 Web Facilities Hub. Additionally, any non-bedroom spaces must have the This is a Residence Life Space checkbox checked. This checkbox is found in Facilities hub, and can only be edited by a user with Can edit spaces permissions set for their role. Role permissions are set in the System Administration Hub.

Once all of the spaces are created and set up in the Facilities hub, use the Residence building options to create a residence suite and connect these spaces as a suite.

We have made a few changes to allow more flexibility and control for Residence Life staff positions and permissions. Previously the role permissions were tied to the position and hiring status; now the fields operate independently of each other. This allows staff to be moved from one position to another without automatically changing their permissions. Administrative users can still control all permissions for each user in the System Admin hub.
To change the staff position or assignment, use the Update staff position button on the Manage Staff Roster page in the appropriate session.

You will be able to choose from Not Hired, RA, or RD. As shown in the example above, even if a staff member is marked as 'not hired,' they still retain any role permissions they have been assigned.

After the staff has a position assigned, you can update the assignment zone.
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
139603 | The Residence Life Administrator role did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can manage housing assignment process." |
139604 | The Residence Life Administrator role did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can view residence bedrooms." |
139605 | The Residence Life Administrator role did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can view sessions." |
139615 | The Student Life Module Manager did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can manage housing assignment process." |
139616 | The Student Life Module Manager role did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can view residence bedrooms." |
139617 | The Student Life Module Manager role did not have the ability to adequately set permissions for "Can view sessions." |
144105 | The Web Registration Configuration setting for allowing course overloads was not being honored correctly. |
152281 | New health groups added in the J1 Desktop Health Group Definition window were set to zero in the HEALTH_GRP_MASTER table. When Student Health Administrators tried to access health group information in J1 Web, the page just refreshed. This problem has been corrected, but users need to fix any existing health groups that have a GOID of zero. Run this query and determine the proper value for GOID: SELECT * FROM dbo.GlobalObject WHERE GOTID = -263 ChangeTime in GlobalObject will be close to or the same as JOB_TIME in HEALTH_GRP_MASTER. |