Help Hub Feedback
We want to hear from you!
Your suggestions are important to us and help us constantly improve our help products. Please contact us with any recommendations, issues, and feature requests you may have for the J1 Desktop, J1 Web, and Campus Portal help products.
| In-Help Feedback Our help now has feedback options available on each topic. If the information was helpful, please click the Yes button. If the information wasn't what you were looking for, or if you felt you need more detail, please click the No button. This will help us keep our content as relevant as possible. |
| Take our Help the Help survey We really do want to know what you think about the documentation, videos and help. We also want to know if you have any suggestions, comments, or requests. Help us, help you and take our survey today: |
| Watch our videos on the Jenzabar Help Hub YouTube channel The Help Hub YouTube channel is available for all of our J1 help videos! You can find the latest release news highlight reels as well as videos showcasing features and detailing step-by-steps. Visit the channel and subscribe to stay updated on our latest videos: |
| Email the Help Hub team at [email protected] We're always happy to help, or to just say hello! If you send us an email, one of our technical writers will be in touch as soon as possible (usually within 1-2 business days). If you've found an issue in the help, please feel free to copy text or include a screen shot in your message. |