Financial Aid
The Calculate Satisfactory Progress window has a new Perform an official calculation of satisfactory progress checkbox. When calculating SAP, designating the run as official identifies that the SAP being sent is finalized and transferred in an official capacity. This new box is checked by default so that all SAP calculations now transfer as official.
When you upgrade to 2021.1, any previous year’s SAP runs update to official. If there are old SAP runs in your system that you do not consider official, you need to remove them prior to updating to 2021.1.
A new setting on the Financial Aid Configuration window tracks when the most recent official SAP information was last entered for both Award Year and POE SAP Basis options in the Most Recent Official SAP Information sections.

If you decide to calculate SAP information on the Basis selection of Award Year, Calculation date and Year appear.
If you decide to calculate SAP information on the Basis selection of POE, Calculation date and Year/Term fields appear.
You will also see a pop-up reminder of your most recent official SAP run when you process SAP in the Calculate Satisfactory Progress window.
FAM with JFA
The Create Student Update for Financial Aid process now sends additional student information to JFA using the Student Data Load (Academic Extract) API. Review the sections below for specifics on the transferred tag groups.
For more information about how the Student Data Load (Academic Extract) API transfers Desktop data to JFA, see the Create Student Update Data Map in the appendix section of the FAM with JFA Configuration Guide.
FAM now transfers SAP Status information (<SAPstatus>) to JFA as part of the Student Data Load (Academic Extract) API. For each term, the previous latest official SAP status is sent. This provides additional context in JFA about a student’s probationary status which might impact financial aid eligibility.
Official SAP time period is determined by the Basis setting on the Financial Aid Configuration window.
If the selected Basis is POE, the previous SAP History term status is sent to JFA.
Sam is doing well academically at the start of his sophomore year. He completed his freshman year (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021) but didn't take any courses in Summer 2021. He is registered for Fall 2021 courses.
Therefore, because his SAP is reported by previous term, he would have no SAP status to report for Fall 2020 but would have a status of GOOD for Spring 2021. His status going into the 2021 Fall term would also be GOOD.
If the selected Basis is Award Year, then the previous SAP History year status is sent to JFA.
Jack is beginning the Spring 2021 term of his sophomore year. He attended each Fall and Spring term since he enrolled in Fall 2019 but struggled during his freshman year and was placed on SAP probation.
Therefore, because his SAP is calculated by year, he would have no SAP status for his freshman year as no previous year was available to reference. His current SAP Status is PROB based on his performance from the 2019 year code.
View a student’s SAP status in the Academic History section of the Registration Information page in JFA.

The following tags within the <EnrollmentTerms> tag group are now transferred to JFA as part of the Student Data Load (Academic Extract) API.
To correctly transfer data for Enrollment Terms, the Part Time/Full Time update and Calculate Satisfactory Progress processes need to be run.
<LastDateOfAttendance> :last day the student attended a course or participated academically
<Withdraw Date>: date the student withdraws from all financial aid eligible courses
<Date of Determination>: date school becomes aware student ceased attendance, or student was withdrawn
<Intent to Return>: indicates a student has decided to return (True/False)
The <Housing Type> tag is now transferred to JFA as part of the Student Data Load API. This informs your school's Financial Aid office about a student's residence in relation to campus, such as if they are an Off Campus attendee.
Resolved Issues
Issue | Description |
RN15665 | Credit Hours Update returned an error due to students with non-numeric SSN values in PowerFAIDS. |
RN16107 | Disbursements & Adjustments reported misleading error about special characters in First Name for records missing SSN. |
RN18335 | Create Student Update returned error when unexpected characters exist in a data element to transfer. |
RN19297 | Pending awards are now included when selected. Schools that include awards at a pending status should run Anticipated Aid after applying this patch to include those in student accounts. |
RN20223 | Pub text requested. |
RN20649 | Anticipated Aid scheduled run did not include Pending Awards when selected. |
RN21154 | CommonLine Loan Disbursements was not populating the 'P' Eligible 1098-T value set for the fund on the student account. |